
Hydrotherapy Pool & Gymnasium
Our wonderful Hydrotherapy pool is situated in the same building as our Gym. It is wheelchair friendly, with a hoist to assist with entry and exit of the pool, and another available in the changing rooms, along with a change table.
The water is warm and inviting, and the atmosphere relaxed and inviting. The gymnasium is next door and has a range of equipment to suit all needs. It is used regularly to develop physical and social skills. The gym also doubles as the school hall, with a stage and accessories for concerts and other celebrations.
Our specially designed playground is a wonderful addition to our school. It was developed by the Parent Association, in collaboration with the school staff, after several years of fund raising and is a credit to their efforts and energy.
The playground reflects the various needs of our pupils, and there is something for everyone to enjoy, in a safe and attractive environment. Alongside our playground is a Sensory Garden for the pupils to engage with, through smell, touch, sight and taste, as well as helping to maintain and care for.
Both the Playground and Sensory Garden are wheelchair friendly and encourage our pupils to engage with and learn in the outside environment.

Our school is within a beautiful nature setting with fields and forests surrounding us.
Our pupils can walk in safety around the grounds, watching the seasons unfurl, seeing plants grow and flower, watching native wildlife and engaging their senses through a variety of environments.
School Bus
Again, with the help of the Parent Association, some generous sponsors and our wonderful volunteer bus drivers, the school owns and operates a bus that allows various classes to go on social outings into the wider community.
The bus can be adapted for wheelchair users, and is a great resource to have at our disposal.